0xgraph - Reliable Subgraph Indexing
Deploy subgraphs with 99.9%+ availability and fetch smart contract data at 3x the speed. 100% spec-compliant with every subgraph on The Graph’s hosted and decentralized networks.
Subgraphs are customizable, open-source solutions for indexing and accessing real-time blockchain data through GraphQL APIs.
0xgraph is a zero-hassle subgraph hosting solution that is 100% spec-compliant with every subgraph on The Graph Protocol’s hosted and decentralized networks, minus the lag and downtime.
- Plug and play deployment and subgraph migration from hosted services.
- Deploy subgraphs with the same tooling, UI, and similar CLI as The Graph.
- Query subgraphs without running any nodes or infrastructure.
Supported Networks
0xgraph currently supports the following networks:
Name | Type | Network Slug |
Metis | Mainnet | metis |
Metis Andromeda | Mainnet | andromeda |
Metis Goerli Testnet | Testnet | metis-goerli |
Metis Sepolia | Testnet | metis-sepolia |
Available Upon Request
Any other network you need? Please email us: